How To Ensure Your Restaurant Staff Give The Best Service


How To Ensure Your Restaurant Staff Give The Best Service

Your staff are your restaurant’s greatest asset. They are the people that prepare the food your customers eat, serve that food and interact with your clientele. Without your kitchen, cleaning and service staff, you don’t have a business so it’s worth looking after them in terms of training and support.

But how can you ensure that the staff working at your restaurant give the very best service, time and time again?

Firstly, you should make sure that you have taken the time to invest in your staff. Make sure that they are trained to work the standard you expect. You’ll need to show them examples of best practice, be consistent with your expectations and feedback and make sure that they feel positive about the message you want to send to the customers.

A member of staff that clearly understands your level of expectation over a period of time is more likely to feel settled and secure, and able to offer dedication and loyalty as a result.

The way you treat your physical environment has a significant impact on the level of service that your staff will provide. A workplace that offers good facilities for their staff, creates a positive working environment and invests in equipment that allows staff to do their jobs well will see great returns from their staff.  A workplace that respects the needs of its staff will build a happy and positive workforce in return.

Great staff also need rewarding. Yes, you pay them, but if you want your staff to go a step further for your customers then you need to go a step further for your employees. Giving them extra time off as a thank-you for a job well done might work in your venue, as might a cash bonus, but just as effective can be personal thank you notes, a box of chocolates after a hard shift or a day out together.

Last of all, great customer service comes from staff that feel listened to and part of the fabric of the business. Make sure you get feedback from your staff, listen to it and act upon it. If you can’t act upon it, make sure you explain why. Give your staff the chance to engage with the business on a number of levels and to gain some ownership. That way they’ll see their roles as integral to the success of the restaurant, and go the extra mile to achieve it.

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