Five Tips to help You Start up Your Takeaway
Running a takeaway can be a highly interesting and rewarding choice of catering business. As you build your customer base you get to know your regular customers and hopefully are continuously meeting new ones.
Here are five tips to help those considering opening a takeaway. We have assumed little or no knowledge of catering trade.
1. Location, Location, Location!
The most crucial aspect of opening a new takeaway or taking over an existing business is the location.
Indeed, you can ‘get away’ with a less desirable location if the rent or purchase price and rates are reflective of the position of the shop and the footfall.
The most desirable locations are:
Ø Close to a cinema or theatre
Ø Between the shops and the car park
Ø At or in close proximity to a tourist attraction
Ø In an area where customers know they can buy takeaways
Ø In a reasonably populated area where people would otherwise need to travel for a takeaway
Ø Parking close by is essential, unless you are in an area where you will be relying solely on passing trade.
Accessibility could be the difference between make or break. It must be easy for your potential customers to call in for their takeaway.
When you have locations in mind weigh up the pros and cons:
Will the location suit your food?
Will you be relying on being a destination or is there an attraction nearby for passing trade?
If the location is off the main thoroughfare are there enough other attributes to make it attractive to customers, such as lighting, ease of footing, proximity to car park or bus stop?
2. Offer the Right Food
If you have decided already what type of food you are going to be offering for your takeaway, then your task is to find a location that suits that type of food. It would be foolhardy to open a takeaway in a location where there is already an existing reputable shop offering the same type of food.
If you are undecided then a consideration is your skill set or the skill set of the person who will be running the kitchen. A talent and an interest for preparing the type of food is essential to success.
3. Taking Over an Existing Takeaway
Premises that prepare and sell food need to be licensed and have the right classification:
A3 class authorises “the sale of food or drink for consumption on the premises or of hot food for consumption off the premises” which will cover most restaurants and snack bar premises.
A5 class authorises the sale of hot food for consumption off the premises ie takeaway only.
If you set your heart on a premises that is not already classed as A3 or A5 then you will need to apply for change of use before you start to trade. Therefore it is prudent to find a premise that already has the classification that you need.
Occasionally, it is possible to take over an existing successful business and if that is an option that is available, even when it is not exactly what you want to be selling, the prudent business person will give this option serious consideration.
4. Food Hygiene & Health and Safety
You will need to learn basic food and attend and pass a course. Your premises will also have to meet health and safety regulations before you can start trading. The local council’s environmental health department will also call in from time to time to carry out spot checks to check that you are working within food hygiene and health and safety guidelines.
It is sensible to aim for the highest possible local authority food hygiene classification and then you can proudly display your certificate to reassure customers. It is also prudent for all staff to undertake the basic food safety course and gain certification.
5. The Right Insurance
Some insurance is essential, some is preferential and there are some aspects of insurance that would be foolhardy to trade without.
When setting up your takeaway have the correct insurance in place ready to start trading. You will have enough to worry about as opening day approaches and knowing that your insurance is taken care of will be a weight off your mind. Get in touch with the great knowledgeable team at http://localhost/cateringinsurance2/ to discuss your requirements, obtain a quotation and set up the perfect insurance for your needs.
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