Getting Deliveries to Roadside Catering Vans
Just because your chosen catering business is a van or trailer by the side of the road should not mean that you have to pay extra for the essential catering items that you need for your business.
A surprisingly high number of vendors call into a supermarket on the way to the pitch to buy the food they need for that day. Others will use a cash and carry gaining an account from having a council license to trade.
Whilst, supermarkets often have competitive prices, they do not sell goods in catering packs that the caterer really wants and actually the prices are often better from a dedicated catering supplier.
Things like drinking cups, stirrers, plastic spoons and paper napkins are all best bought from a wholesaler.
Cash and carry is an option, but easily takes a morning out of the working week and don’t always have everything you went for. Furthermore, the delivery direct from a catering supplier is usually the most cost effective way to buy most items.
So how to get around the issue:
Consider where your pitch is. If it is lay-by a, south side of A999, middle of nowhere, then as this cannot be your business address you may have problems getting goods delivered.
However, if it is lay-by b north side of A999 outside of a house called Boris Mews then it may be possible to get deliveries to the van by using the address of the house (with the householders permission) with catering van as first line of address.
However, because many roadside caterers actually have their pitch on private land, they should be able to use the address that the land belongs to. Such as outside Factory 23, Industrial Lane, Wigan for example, then using the postcode address should suffice to get deliveries to you, again starting the address with catering van as first line of address.
Sometimes, it is just a case of finding a way to get your deliveries.
For more information on catering trends or to get catering insurance quotes, click here.
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