Kebab Vans


Kebab Vans

Kebab’s are one of the most popular foods in the UK. Originating from Turkey, over 1.3 million meat filled pittas are consumed each day of the week by Britons[1] up and down the country.

Kebab vans are a well-known feature of many of the towns and cities across the UK. Seen regularly working late at night, these vans appeal particularly to those enjoying a night out. It is somewhat of a tradition to enjoy a kebab after a night on the town clubbing or frequenting the bars. Kebab vans sell a range of items including donner kebabs, chicken kebabs, as well as a selection of burgers, wraps, fried chicken and chips.

Buying a kebab van can cost in the region of £10,000-30,000 depending on the age of the van and its capabilities. Renting such a van has become more and more popular for corporate events, parties and weddings.

There are multiple challenges facing kebab van owners who are looking to enter or remain in the industry. Some of these include, the high start-up costs associated with the purchase of the van, catering equipment, appropriate food handling training and certificates and insurance. With the industry also heavily relying on those out in towns and cities enjoying themselves, it means that during tougher economic periods, it is one of the areas more significantly affected.

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